Chinese herbal medicine is an integral aspect of Chinese medicine as a whole and allows practitioners to treat a greater range of conditions, as well as involving the patient in the treatment process more actively as they take the prescribed herbs in between treatments. Digestive conditions, skin conditions and men’s health in particular are areas of health that led me towards my study of Chinese herbal medicine to help my patients. External application of herbal lotions and liniments is an important part of traditional martial arts training as well and has helped me recover from some nasty training injuries in the past.

It is important to acknowledge the historical darker side of Chinese herbal medicine, where the use of animal parts and endangered species was common place. Let me reassure you that thankfully in the UK the use of animal parts in Chinese herbal medicine is illegal; only plant-based (botanical) herbal ingredients can be used. Even in China the use of endangered species is forbidden, but unfortunately there are some unscrupulous individuals who tarnish the industry with their immoral demands. For this reason, many UK herbal suppliers support global charities that seek to bring an end to the illegal trade in animals and endangered species. All of the herbs that I use are sourced from UK-based suppliers approved by the Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine that ensure strict industry-wide standards to maintain ethical and professional standards of efficacy and safety.